Naiara Ayo Elorriaga

Naiara Ayo Elorriaga

Naiara Ayo Elorriaga

Responsible for the Quality, Training & Sustainability Unity in BASQUETOUR

Naiara Ayo Elorriaga has a degree in Human Nutrition and a first class degree in Science and Food Technology, both from the “University of Basque Country”, a postgraduate in Quality Management and Business certification from the “National University of Distance Education – UNED” and a Master of Bussines Administration from the “University of Basque Country”. She has been quality and trainning responsible in the private sector, managing national and european investigation projects. Currently she is responsible for the Quality, Training & Sustainability Unity in BASQUETOUR, Basque Tourism Agency (Basque Government, Economic Development and Competitivity Department – Viceministry of Trade and Tourism); leader for the implementation process of Biosphere Responsible Tourism Certification for the Basque Country, full member of “NECSTouR, Network of European Regions for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism”, first associated member as Destination of “ECOTRANS, European Network for Sustainable Tourism Development” and affiliated member of UNWTO.